Nature Trails & Courses

Length of Bicycle Routes:

Total Length: approx. 300 km

Lengths of the proposed phases: 31 - 75 km.

Through the many abbreviations and variants of the routes, you can also put together a wide variety of individual tours of varying lengths. 

Nature Trails Level of Difficulty:

For the most part, the cycle path runs along the rivers on separate, mostly paved agricultural roads or small side roads, completely away from the traffic. 

Only in the cities and segmented sections you may find greater traffic volumes. The section of Amberg and Schmidmühlen follows the route of the old railway line which is unpaved but well fortified.  On the segment from Berching to Nuremberg, the route largely follows along gravel historical tow paths. 

Overall, the line can be traveled well with a touring bike.

Slope Gradient:

The entire route circuit is suitable for beginners or families with children and lacks slope gradient.


The five rivers cycle route is signposted in both directions uniformly throughout according to FGSV standard.  Pointing the way, these are posted as rectangular signs with green font on white background and green arrow, as well as square signets with five rivers cycle route logo.