
  • 35 km
  • Kelheim
  • Kelheim
  • 336 m

Start in Kelheim, at the Danube Park. From there, go from Saal on the Danube and then past woods and ponds to Abensberg with its historical town centre. The route runs through asparagus and strawberry fields to Sandharlanden. At most of the asparagus farms, you can stop and try some fresh asparagus. Then the tour passes the nature protection area Sandharlander Heide and continues along Holzharlanden to the destination of Weltenburg. This is the highlight of the tour: The Danube cut-through in the Weltenburger Enge nature protection area. The best view is from the water, which is why we recommend travelling this section from the comfort of the ship and skipping the climb. Bikes can be taken with you on the ship.


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