With the handbike on the Five Rivers Cycle Path - bookable offer

Since January 2023 it has been possible to book a complete offer through the tour operator Franken-Radreisen.

• Eight nights with breakfast at handbike-friendly hosts
• Luggage transfer, incl. wheelchair if desired
• Bicycle storage on site
• City tour by bike through Nuremberg
• Extensive tour material
• Minimum number of participants: 2

In 2022, we have set ourselves the goal of making the Five Rivers Cycle Path bookable for hand bikers and having the quality of the path tested.
Franken Radreisen took over the part with the hosts. After a few weeks, there was a cycle tour offer with many handbike-friendly hosts.
Now all that was missing was to have the quality of the Five Rivers Cycle Path tested for handbike suitability. We contacted the well-known handbike blogger Veit Riffer, and he immediately liked the idea of testing the cycle path for us. He reports on his experiences on his blog:


His conclusion: The Five Rivers Cycle Path is basically suitable for hand bikers, but there is too much gravel or ramps that are too steep in some sections. We then optimized these spots and created a track that follows the original route for about 95%.

Here you can download the track.
We are pleased to be the first cycle path in Germany to provide a complete cycle tour offer for hand bikers, with which you can experience a large landscape area.

Many thanks to everyone involved for their tireless efforts.